
“A New Wish”

2019-04-01   阅读:  620  作者:Christensen Mich

“A New Wish” shows a couple sending off a new wish. A family sends a lantern off for good luck for the New Year and marking an end to the Spring Festival celebrations. The Lantern was centered and the flame was the main light source. In the background you can see there are other lanterns/wishes making their way into the night sky. “新愿望”是指一对夫妇寄出一个新的愿望。一家人送来一个灯笼,祝新年好运,并为春节庆祝活动画上句号。灯笼居中,火焰是主要的光源。在背景中,你可以看到其他的灯笼/愿望正在进入夜空。
