
Time Travel Missing Summer

2019-04-16   阅读:  464  作者:Sean Steadman

When I came to China, I first moved to the capitol, Beijing. A large city, industrial and ever changing. The concrete jungle amassed around me at every turn. It wasn't until a year later when I moved to Suzhou, that I started to appreciate the traditional and natural beauty that China has deep in it's rural environments. Suzhou is known as a water town and the bodies of water surrounding and intertwined into the city show the dynamic flow of the people and the culture. Last year, I was able to travel around Taihu lake and was taken back by the outstanding architecture. The pagodas and decorated bridges felt kept from the center of attention but almost lost in the background of development. I wanted to capture the delicate and simple details with a format of photography that captured the nostalgic feel of where China has been and where it is going, towards the future.
