

2019-04-17   阅读:  494  作者:Helena

The most impressing theme for me, are the people. Coming from Finland, the country of forest, I just love having a lot of people around me. I have been travelling around China, and when it is ok, I like to photoshoot people. This selection of photos shows the passion and joy of friends of mine and people I do not know, but they were happy to join my photo shooting. Especially, I like children very much! The parents are happy to let their children to take contact and photoshoot their children as well. Those moments with children in China are the best ones for me, and that happiness can be seen in the photos. I as well, like the light and colors in my photos, and people`s colorful clothing. Looking my photos taken in China, there are a lot of sun shine, but rainy days as well. The photos taken on the rainy days look very happy. I took these photos in Shanghai, Hakka village in South China and Sanbao Art Village in Jingdezhen, the years 2016-2018.
