

2019-04-21   阅读:  441  作者:操赛能

这里位于安徽省长江北岸,大别山的东南麓,吴头楚尾,皖国古都,舒国故地,古南岳天柱山(古称衡山,霍山),道家圣地,佛教三祖道场,薛家岗古文化遗址,孔雀东南飞发生地,中国华东腹地,兵家必争之地,鱼米之乡。宰相王珪、小说大家张恨水、京剧鼻祖程长庚故里,黄梅戏发源地,名仕辈出,民风淳朴,山高水长,美丽富饶。 Located on the North Bank of the Yangtze River in Anhui Province, the southeast foot of the Dabie Mountains, Wutou and Chuwei, Wanguo's homeland, Shuguo's homeland, Tianzhu Mountain (formerly Hengshan and Huoshan), Taoist sacred place, Sanzu Daochang of Buddhism, Xuejiagang ancient cultural site, southeast peacock enclave, the hinterland of East China, the place where soldiers must fight for, and the land of fish and rice. Premier Wang Gui, novelist Zhang Henshui, the hometown of Cheng Changgeng, the ancestor of Peking Opera, the birthplace of Huangmei Opera, the emergence of celebrities, simple folk customs, long mountains and rivers, beautiful and rich.
