
Dyadic Qingdao

2019-05-13   阅读:  452  作者:WARREN GORDON KI

In English, the word ‘dyad’ describes the concept of ‘two’ – two things that are often interconnected. This photo demonstrates this notion with the contrast of the light of the city and the dark of the water, and the modern financial district in the background with the traditional market in the foreground. The concept of the dyad is also evident in how Qingdao has been described as combining the charm of south China with the generosity of north China. The photo depicts May Fourth Square, a monument to the May Fourth Movement which was led by the two founders of the Chinese Communist Party, Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu. As a major nodal city of the One Belt, One Road initiative that connects Asia with Europe, and also due to the European architecture in Qingdao, it is a city where Chinese and European culture come together in an interconnected way.
