
Red Hot Beating Drums on White Cold Ice

2019-05-30   阅读:  559  作者:索哈尔

China has a unique sense of art and even for great craftsmen it’s not a piece of cake to create all this. Skills combined with unique Chinese taste; they create big masses of rock-hard ice into sculpture. In this picture, we see Chinese drum beaters in traditional red clothing and behind them is an iconic northeastern sculpture. 中华民族一向对工艺有着独一无二的见解。即便十分出色的工匠也难以创作出如图的作品。精湛的技艺结合独特的中国味,诞生出如此恢弘的冰雕。如图所见,身着大红色传统服饰的鼓手们正立于来自中国最北端的标志性冰雕之前
