
Evaluation of Chinese Train

2019-06-12   阅读:  542  作者:Mostak

Not so long time ago, Chinese people normally used old style green color train. The top speed of those kind of train was around 50-60 mph. First 2 picture represents the old style train in China Then after China’s opening up and reformation China realized that they need something more faster to achieve economic development goal of China, that was called “High Speed Train Dream”. So they started to build high speed Train after 1990. The 3rd and 4th images represents the manufacturing process of high speed train in China. Now China is the largest producer of High Speed Train around the world. High speed Train is considered one of the four modern inventions of China. Now, world’s 66% of High Speed Train is located in China. It’s increased the transportation speeds of China, accelerated the economic development of China and contributed in many ways to China’s and World’s economy.
