

2019-04-15   阅读:  529  作者:Hunter C. Hill

China has come a long way in development. “New China” as described by the developmental changes since WWII, has grown in many ways, one being the rail systems. The pathways through mainland China have paved the way for extensive travel opportunities within the mainland. In my photograph “Waiting”, one such station can be seen. Suzhou is bursting with rail lines available to all allowing anyone in Suzhou to travel easily and quickly. “Waiting” describes this burst in development of these systems as well as directly waiting for the train. As I was traveling to Wuxi, I was able to experience the rush of waiting for and catching a high-speed train here in Suzhou. As we waited for the train, many activities can be seen from others waiting for the same train. Some people are on their phones while others are eating or talking to friends or loved ones. Waiting for a train shows the simplicity of human nature and our needs as human beings and how we meet them as a whole. The various types of travel can be witnessed as well, from those who have no bags, such as myself during this time, to those who have suitcases and bags of various sizes. Where are these people going?
