

2019-04-15   阅读:  478  作者:Hunter C. Hill

As the day came to an end, the final stop in my exploration of Wuxi was a mountain near the temple I explored. As I was wondering around I saw the cable cars going up the mountain. I wondered what was up there. As I journeyed through the garden in this area, I looked for the entrance to the cable cars themselves. While looking I found stairs and took them, not knowing that this would take me up the mountain. The stairs seemed endless in number. The trail was extremely steep. That day, I did not come prepared to hike up such an extensive staircase, but that is where I found myself that day. Walking through the trees up these steep stairs, there were many breaks in the foliage. The trail seemed to follow the cable cars path. As I stopped to catch my breath, the view stunned me. What a beautiful landscape there was preserved and laid out in front of me. The cars seemed to just enhance the colors on the trees that surrounded them as they cut a perfect path through and up the mountain. “Primary” is a way of traveling as well as the color shown through the cars and the trees.
