

2019-04-15   阅读:  509  作者:Hunter C. Hill

Walking down the streets in what is known as the French Quarter in Shanghai was an experience that opened my eyes to not only what the city itself holds, but all of the small details found in the city life. “Load” refers to one of those experiences. I was constantly seeing people carrying fruit for sale over their shoulders, such as this man in doing in the photograph. As I watched these people work I wondered what kind of toll the weight of the fruit had on their shoulders and the rest of their body. How did they feel at the end of a day of selling fruit? I was fortunate enough to be able to capture this moment and preserve it in a photograph. Many people were not happy to see a camera pointed in their direction in any sense, even if I was not taking a photo of them. To capture this moment and to see the way the fruit is carried gracefully over the shoulder with bamboo is a moment I am glad to be able to preserve.
